Rebecca Onion - page 13

Being a Kid After the Bomb

For Halloween, and in homage to the SF roundups that my favorite Gawker offspring io9 publishes on the regular, here are seven visions of childhood after nuclear war. These stories are a good example of a category of evidence that I initially thought would fit…

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Sweet Science Propaganda from They Might Be Giants

Last week I promised I’d address The Problem of Dinosaurs in my next post. Then this past weekend I got to see my sister, who started and runs a school for infants thru pre-K-ers, and she had some great ideas for such a post—but they…

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Archival Gleanings from the Chemical Heritage Foundation

For the past two weeks, I’ve been at the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia, benefitting from their travel grant program, which is supporting my research in their large collection of chemistry sets and other science sets. Before I came here, I thought I would be able to…

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