Tag archive for tv

Teenage Girls in the 1970s

I asked: Everyone responded: Barker, Martin. Comics: Ideology, Power, and the Critics. Manchester [England]; New York: Manchester University Press, 1989. Chapters 7 (‘They all hate me’: Jackie and the problem of romance”), 8 (“‘But how can I ever be sure?’: revisiting Jackie“). Bowles-Reyer, Amy. “Becoming…

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Nuclear Fears, Soothed by Poop, Turtles

Last week, this colorful video, intended for Japanese children, made the Internet rounds. It explains the problems at the reactor in Fukushima by way of an extensive metaphor: the reactor is a baby, called Nuclear Boy; he has stomach problems, and feels like he might…

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Science vs. Childhood on “Fringe”

The Fox show “Fringe,” now in its third season, features FBI investigator Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv), mad scientist Walter Bishop (John Noble), and Walter’s wisecracking son Peter  (Joshua Jackson, aka Pacey). Olivia works for a group inside the FBI called the “Fringe Division,” which investigates…

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