Everywhere the voices of people saying in a doubtful tone, “But it didn’t use to be like this, did it?” And others saying with scorn, “Don’t give me that shit about the Good Old Days!” – John Brunner, The Sheep Look Up, 342 I’ve written…
Everywhere the voices of people saying in a doubtful tone, “But it didn’t use to be like this, did it?” And others saying with scorn, “Don’t give me that shit about the Good Old Days!” – John Brunner, The Sheep Look Up, 342 I’ve written…
I’m working on putting together a panel for the 2011 American Studies Association conference. The Call for Papers is below. The decay of the built environment has become a subject more of aesthetic fascination than of fear for many twenty-first-century Americans. Real communities such as…
Inspired by Adam Golub’s Forbes blog post about choosing holiday books, here’s what I’m packing for this holiday trip northwards and home. As you may be able to tell by the sheer weight of the books listed, we are driving from Texas to Ohio and…